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"To do anything well we must do it with our heart, with our mind and with all of our strength. When we do it we should do it for the love of God, ourselves and our neighbor. 
Cornelia Connelly 

Head of School Recognition Dinner

Holy Child’s Head of School Recognition Dinner celebrates the dedication and service of our benefactors. There are two awards that are presented at this event that recognize and honor members of the community that have gone above and beyond to further the mission of the Society of Holy Child Jesus and Connelly School of the Holy Child. The Mother Mary Xavier Award and the Sister Lucy Ignatia Award.

The Sister Lucy Ignatia Award

Sister Lucy Ignatia was one of the six pioneer leaders of the Society of Holy Child Jesus that made the journey across the Atlantic to America in 1862. She was bright, lively, and gentle, with a good sense of humor and a great capacity for loyal support of others. The Ignatia Award is merited to a Connelly School of Holy Child member of the community that has furthered the mission of the Society throughout their tenure.

2024 Honoree: Alicia O'Hare Henneberry '93

The Mother Mary Xavier Award

Cornelia Connelly chose Mother Mary Xavier to lead the expansion of the Society of Holy Child Jesus to America and beyond thus creating, for the first time, a worldwide network for the Society. She was chosen for her smart judgment, initiative, perseverance, her inspiring confidence, and for imparting her own joyous and self-sacrificing spirit onto others. The Xavier Award is given to leaders within the Holy Child community who embody the spirit of Cornelia Connelly and Mother Mary Xavier, and have the determination and courage to create change – change that furthers the Holy Child mission of educating women of faith and action.

2024 Honoree: Sean Glynn