Holy Child Forever.
Once a Tiger, always a Tiger. We love our community and we frequently have events to showcase, celebrate, and/or simply to mingle with alumnae. If you want to join us, or recommend a new event please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know.
Calendar of Events
join us on campus
OCT 26 Open House
NOV 08 - 09 Middle School Musical
NOV 15 Blue/Gold Games + Food + Family Fun
NOV 22 - 24 Mayfield Market
JAN 31 Career Day / BINGO Night
FEB 28 - MAR 01 Upper School Musical
MAR 14 Gala for Scholarship
APR 11 - 12 Alumnae Weekend
Networking near you
NOV 06 Chicago Regional Event
NOV 27 Thanksgiving Happy Hour in DC
JAN 02 Career Fair hosted by Gonzaga
FEB 18-20 Colorado Regional Event
MAY 07 NYC Regional Event
JUN Local Networking Event
AUG Bethany Beach Happy Hour
Reach out!
Keep in contact by sharing your email with us. Click the link below to send an email to us and let us know what is going on!